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Diversity Residential Options

In-Home Supports are supplemental services that take place in an individual’s home, family’s home or community setting. Usually, In-home supports involve one staff person to one individual, but may include 1 staff to 2 or 1 staff to 3 as appropriate.

The In-Home Support Program is a residential services that take place in the individual’s home, family home, or community settings and typically supplement the primary care provided by the individual, family or other unpaid caregiver. Although the program is called “In-Home Supports” it is important to note that his flexible service can also be provided in a community setting!

In-Home Support services are designed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the individual. These supports include skill building and ongoing supports with activities of daily living (ADL’s), independent living, community access, safety supports, physical and behavioral health, as well as general supports that enable an individual to acquire, retain, or improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in their home and community-based settings.

Services are designed to ensure the health & safety of the individual. This program assists individuals to live in their home or with family members as long as possible. Hours are based on need and can occur during the day, evenings, or weekends.

Participants can talk to staff any time they are unhappy with their services, and DIVERSITY will try to improve the issue. DIVERSITY staff will help the participant contact their guardian or their case manager if needed. Please refer to the Program Manager for the entire Policy. If things still aren’t okay, participants or guardians can file a verbal or written grievance. A grievance is a concrete way of telling DIVERSITY that you are unhappy about something and asking for someone to help you with it. Grievances should be submitted to Michelle Whittingham, Program Director at mcwhittingham@onedivesity.org or 804-276-1600. This information is also located in each program. DIVERSITY will respond to a formal grievance within 7 days. If the issue cannot be fixed, a team meeting will be called for additional help in strategizing potential solutions. If the participant or Legal Guardian does not feel they are receiving necessary assistance to resolve their complaint from DIVERSITY, they can contact Regional Human Rights Advocate, Sharae Henderson at 804-524-7479 at any time for additional assistance.

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